Pain Management

Comprehensive Pain Management – Memory Foam Matresses

Memory Foam Mattresses and Comprehensive Pain Management

Mattress selection is an important but often overlooked aspect of comprehensive pain management. Patients who suffer from acute or chronic back pain may aggravate medical conditions by sleeping on an old or worn-out mattress. Without proper back support, even sleep can be painful.   That’s why some  pain specialists recommend memory foam mattresses.

Memory foam mattresses offer several advantages and disadvantages. When a patient sleeps on this type of supportive mattress, heat from the body softens the foam at various points. The result is a new mattress that adjusts to support the curves and lines of the patient’s body.

The disadvantages of memory foam include increased body heat retention and offgasing, a chemical smell that may bother some sufferers. Mattress selection remains an important part of comprehensive pain management, however, and therapists may encourage patients to purchase a new mattress that provides better back support.

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