Today we lead very active lives. Running here and running there, it doesn’t seem like there is time for any hang-ups. It takes more then sore muscles to get us down but, by ignoring what our body is saying, are we causing more harm to our bodies?
The Causes of Muscle Pain
Why our muscles might be painful is a bit simple. It may be due to tension, stress or overuse. Pain may even be caused by a minor injury. Most of the time muscle pain is localized, affecting just one area of the body.
If you do feel muscle pain throughout your entire body, this could be the result of an illness or and infection. It could also be a side effect of a medication.
Ease Sore Muscles Now
It can be hard to deal with sore muscles when they are at their worst. However, there are some relatively simple treatments to ease your pain that you can do from home.
Icing sore muscles can elevate your pain right away. Wrap an ice pack in a thin towel and place it directly onto area. Use ice on sore muscles directly after the activity to reduce swelling but later, use heat to increase blood flow to the area.
Take Pain Relievers
A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) can be very affective at relieving the pain associated with sore muscles. NSAIDs can be taken orally or rubbed on as a cream or gel. These creams or gels, known as topical NSAIDs, work well on muscle pain because they can penetrate the skin and have a direct effect on the muscles.
Those who have a history of heart, stomach, liver or kidney problems need to take precautions when taking any kind of NSAIDs. You should also check with your doctor if you are taking other prescriptions.
Muscle Massage
Using massage is a great way to relax and increase circulation in sore muscles. Massage techniques include kneading, pressing and stroking muscles. You can seek out a professional to get a massage or try self-massage.
Massage yourself is a great alternative to expensive massage treatments. However, if you are going to massage yourself, there are a few things you should know.
Self-Massage Tips
– Never massage to the point where you are feeling pain.
– Use a massage ball or even firm rubber ball like a tennis ball.
– Do not massage areas where varicose veins are present. Also see a professional if have fibromyalgia or other types of muscular or nervous system issues.
– Remember to massage both sides of your body; both legs, both arms, etc.
How to Prevent Sore Muscles
Knowing how to ease sore muscle pain is great but, it is even better to know how to prevent muscle pain in the future. Daily stretching can help to avoid getting sore muscles. Get used to getting up and going through a stretching routine before you even begin your day.
If you are going to be engaged in some form of physical activity, make sure that you prepare your muscles. Make sure that you are well hydrated. On addition, any form of physical activity needs a proper warm up and cool down time. Be careful not to overdo it. Know your limits and any only push them if you can do so without hurting your body in the process.
Nutrition is also key to keeping your muscle in good shape. Don’t expect your muscles to keep up with you if you are not going to feed them properly. You should also establish a routine when it comes to physical activity.
Try to be active on a regular basis. Getting exercise is the best way to strengthen muscles and get them to perform the way they are intended to. Do not let the treat of sore muscles get in your way. You are given just one body in a life time, take care of it.