Pain Solutions

Neck Pain Relief – Workplace Ergonomics

Workstation Ergonomics and Neck Pain Relief

Diet, medication, and exercise may not be enough to bring you neck pain relief. If your workplace ergonomics are poor, standing or sitting for long periods of time can cause considerable neck pain.

When seated at computer desk or workstation, your eyes should point at the top third of the screen or monitor. Keep your forearms parallel to the floor when you type, and rest your elbows at your side instead of on the arms of your chair.

For neck pain relief, workplace ergonomics also dictate keeping your feet flat on the floor with your both thighs parallel to the floor. Don’t twist or contort your body awkwardly, or rotate your torso away from the workstation.

Neck stretches and neck exercise can help, but follow proper workplace ergonomics for neck pain relief

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