Pain Solutions

The Many Benefits of Arnica

Arnica has been utilized for medicinal purposes for centuries. Arnica provides a variety of beneficial solutions for some of today’s most common issues of pain and illness. With ample and quantitative research, testimonials of arnica’s health benefits range from repairing neurological damage, heart disorders, and even depression after serious trauma. However, despite its many clinical uses, it is highly regarded as a treatment for almost any type of arthritis due to its ability to increase circulation and decrease inflammation. Inflammation occurs in an injured area (such as a bruise, sprain, or joint issue) because the injury requires extra blood flow so that it can heal faster. In other words, inflammation is the body’s natural response during injury. However, the pain that is caused by all of the swelling in the area is not something that can be handled lightly. What we want most is to reduce the swelling by reducing the inflammation. This is the power of Arnica.

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How Arnica Works

Arnica increases circulation, which generates the process of inflammation. This reduces the pain and swelling and gets you back to normal faster and safer. We call these types of benefits “anti-inflammatories.” Arnica also has the ability to stimulate the flow of white blood cells and disperse congested blood and trapped fluids from the joints, muscles, and bruised tissue. Applying arnica to the skin via topical analgesics is one of the best ways to reap the benefits. It can be used for strained muscles, joint pain, bruises and achiness. Arnica promotes wound healing and has the ability to reduce the symptoms of rheumatic pain, decrease swelling in joints, heal stress fractures, and even treat mosquito bites. It is also possible to use arnica as a mouthwash for sore gums or infections inside the mouth. A few milliliters/teaspoon of arnica oil in a gallon of water can make a perfect mouth wash. You can also add arnica oil to your bath water in order to heal sores and promote healthy skin. During a study on treating hand osteoarthritis, it was discovered that using arnica topically provides the exact same effects as the drug, ibuprofen. Considering the millions of Americans who use NSAIDs to get relief from inflammation and arthritis, this is valuable information as it will allow people to stop masking their pain and start caring for their inflammation. Arnica has also been known to treat phlebitis, which is inflammation of the walls of the veins. Arnica is very beneficial for almost any type of bruising that occurs from getting hit with something, as well as the kind of bruising that occurs after surgery. Among the benefits of healing bruises, arnica is also known to handle several different types of ailments including: acne, chapped lips, sore throats, insect bites (mosquito or other), typical muscle pain, wound healing, joint pain and inflammation caused by osteoarthritis, and even the swelling that occurs with broken bones. Because it can heal the wounds that form along the roof of the mouth and throat, arnica is often prescribed in low doses to chemotherapy patients who develop mouth ulcers as a side effect. You may have heard that arnica can be dangerous, but this is only a fatal toxin when someone is eating large quantities of it. As long as you apply it topically or consume the prescribed low-dose quantities, it is not only safe, but also a miracle worker! If you are hoping to decrease inflammation and reduce pain and bruising, then arnica may be for you. Arnica can be found in most health stores and if you can’t find the wonder-drug in your area, consider looking online. Many companies have sites that specialize in natural, herbal pain relief substances. Arnica is fairly inexpensive and has the ability to totally revitalize an individual’s life in a non-invasive and organic way.


  • Knuesel, O.; Weber, M.; Suter, A. (2002). “Arnica montana gel in osteoarthritis of the knee: An open, multicenter clinical trial”. Advances in Therapy 19 (5): 209–218
  • Kotlus BS, Heringer DM, Dryden RM. Evaluation of Homeopathic Arnica montana for Ecchymosis After Upper Blepharoplasty: A Placebo-Controlled, Randomized, Double-Blind Study. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010 Jul 29.
  • Auerbach. Wilderness Medicine. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Mosby; 2011.
  • Cornu, C., Joseph, P., Gaillard, S., Bauer, C., Vedrinne, C., Bissery, A., Melot, G., Bossard, N., Belon, P., and Lehot, J. J. No effect of a homoeopathic combination of Arnica montana and Bryonia alba on bleeding, inflammation, and ischaemia after aortic valve surgery. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2010; 69 (2):136-142. View abstract.
  • R. Widrig, A. Suter, R. Saller & J. Melzer; Suter; Saller; Melzer (2007). “Choosing between NSAID and arnica for t
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