A knee injury is one of the most nagging injuries one can experience. Most often, individuals will decide on surgery as they seek relief from the pain. In fact, the rehabilitation associated with the surgery could possibly place you at risk for long-term knee pain if rehabilitation is not performed consistently and correctly. The goal here is to help you understand several ways to achieve knee pain relief.
Home remedies
Icing and elevation are common home based solutions for knee pain relief. After completing activities, put pressure on the knees, it’s critical to begin this regimen immediately following rigorous activity. You will experience temporary relief, yet it’s a great way to alleviate the pain in the moment. Other cold therapies will also be effective in offering temporary relief.
Additionally, compress the knee by wrapping it to help with the reduction in swelling. The reduction in swelling will offer knee pain relief. You may also consider the consumption of an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen. This will help with reducing the swelling and therefore, reducing the pain.
Strength Training
Knee pain often occurs as a result of knee injury. The pain will remain as long as the knee remains weak. It’s crucial to work to regain the strength in the muscles in the knee area as quickly and as much as possible. Strength training will afford you sustained relief. The training will likely focus on the muscles in the front and back of the leg which attach to the knee.
Various stretches and exercise can be performed to make the knee stronger. For example, leg raises will require the usage of the leg and knee. Slowly stepping up stairs, as an exercise activity, will also make the knee stronger. Exercises that require improved balance will also aide in the pain relief efforts. This process will stabilize the knee. Again, a stronger knee equals pain relief.
Medical injections
If knee pain relief efforts have not been successful through home remedies and or strength training, your physician may recommend injections. This is a common form of relief that’s said to last several months and as long as a year. The injections will come in the form of a liquid steroid directly into the joint of the knee. Keep in mind, this process is not effective for all knee pain cases and also run the risk of developing an infection. Thickened fluid will keep the knee joints lubricated. This will increase your ability to mobilize the knee and decrease pain.
Other medications
Your knee pain could be the result of other physical conditions you may be dealing with. As a result, your physician will properly diagnose and thus prescribe medication to offer you the most comfort.
Injury to the knee is painful and nagging. There is hope at the end of the tunnel. Considering your own personal mission and preferences, you are afforded several ways to gain knee pain relief. Nonetheless, it’s recommended for you to visit with your physician to ensure you are selecting the most effective and sustainable solution based on your individual situation.